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One-on-One Tutoring

Tutoring can seem strange to the novice. For those who see the value to minimize the time-to-learn component of learning find new ways to manage the study hours available. This means your child or teen gets a tutor to spend an hour working on multiple subjects to get the most value for the money.

We believe in continuity of learning so your child is guaranteed the same tutor every session. As a parent you have “carte blanche” on what is needed to promote learning and address root causes of failure. Our holistic approach to learning looks at your child’s likes and successes to find cross-over strategies for underperforming topics.

Sibling Pairs Tutoring

We understand the need to accommodate more than one child per session whenever possible. The general rule is two siblings must be within 1 – 4 years apart in age and able to work in close contact with one another. The tutor must balance work for grade appropriate subjects per child. This means when one is being taught the other must be working independently. On occasion we can accommodate cousin pairs, but the same stipulations apply to them as well.

Home School Supplemental & Small Groups

It’s understood that home schooling is a serious commitment to your child or children’s success in academic learning. To custom tailor a curriculum to accommodate your child’s learning style(s) is a demanding task. As a parent teacher sometimes the subjects needed to be taught just get too difficult, and the time to brush up takes too long. Star Tutoring can create sessions for your child or teen to enforce academic rigor, and keep you in the loop with concept knowledge. Tutors are able to answer questions you or your child have while away, or create practice materials for enrichment. Sibling pair rates would apply to more than one child per household. More than two children would be negotiated to ascertain the session costs and tutor requirements.

Special Needs and Developmental Learning

Your child is gifted and only needs ways to tap into his or her unique ways of learning. This often times requires the teacher, counselor, or tutor to learn first how they process and retain information. It involves patient educators in contact with both parent-guardians and the special education community overseeing your child’s IEP or 504 Plan. Tutors can act as intermediaries outside of school to teach and practice with your child the developmental learning plan the school district has mapped out. If not the case, we can map out a new path with what you feel works best as a parent-guardian. We can also be in contact with the special education counselors with your permission, to seek out insight to what your child responds best to as learning styles. Please visit our resource page for a list of special needs or developmental learning disabilities and their definitions.

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